Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Ten Ways to Secure Your Small Biz Computer Network

If you do not have a complete-time IT team of workers or an employer like Plexus taking care of your computer infrastructure, here are ten simple things you could do on your own to keep your office community running smoothly.

1. Keep Your Anti-Virus Program Current –

Make sure your anti-virus program subscription is current and the software program is updating well. The anti-virus software program got here along with your PC does not imply it’s miles shielding you, so make sure. I do not endorse the Nortons and MacAfees of the arena, the ones that generally come with a loose trial on all new PCs in recent times. If you did not purchase the subscription, I propose installing the free versions of AVG or Avast, which have been ranked higher by using Consumer Reports than the excellent known manufacturers. For your servers, however, I advocate Trend Micro as a way to come at an affordable price, especially compared to the cost of recuperating all of your vital documents from an inflamed server.

2. Use an Internet Gateway Appliance –

You’ve likely heard the commercials on the radio for unsolicited mail-blocking firewalls, but there are many similarly effective, less expensive, or loose options, including that from Untangle. These devices take a seat between your Internet connection and all your computer systems to filter any junk, whether it’s far-hitching an experience on a website or an email. My feeling is that if a bug is attempting to get into my house, I want to prevent it on the front door instead of catching it within the kitchen, so let’s keep this stuff from ever reaching your computer systems.


3. Be Vigilant –

Even if the email is from someone, you realize that you don’t open it if you aren’t waiting for an attachment. If the email consists of an internet link, are you positive you want to click on it? If a salesperson shows up and needs to show you the files he has on his flash force, courtesy decline. A couple of years ago, a colleague and I interviewed neighborhood builders for a distinctly small database project. As he twirled his vibrant keychain flash force on his finger, he presented to copy the records documents so he may want to take a more in-depth look at domestic and get back to us. Suffice it to say that we declined and stated we would get back to him again.

4. Limit Employee Computer Use –

Suppose your personnel have unfettered web get right of entry to their computers. In that case, you are likely to invite hassle if they don’t need to gain admission to carry out their activity obligations. Appliances like Untangle can effortlessly block, limit, or display net pastime by using each consumer. For a cheap alternative, test the blog I submitted from the lower back in January about a loose and powerful web-blocking tool constructed right into Internet Explorer, referred to as Content Advisor.

5. Control CD Burners and External Media –

CD/DVD Burners, Flash drives, and cell telephones make records distinctly portable. It is so portable that essential business enterprise facts ought to walk right out the front door snuggly tucked away on the flash drive of a temp or inside the iPod of a sad employee. Just like the Internet, if they don’t want it to do their jobs, do not give it to them. Here’s a link without spending a dime on equipment to show off USB ports and CD burners.

6. You Must be ‘This High’ to Go on this Computer –

If kids go to the office, do not allow them to at the computers. If you leave your computers on in a single day, make certain to lock them (Control + Alt – Delete + Lock Computer). We wouldn’t need to tempt the cleansing team or their kids, would we?

7. Routine Maintenance –

Back in the I Love You, Nimda, and Melissa Virus days, we pulled a few all-nighters cleansing machine after a system that had been inflamed, no longer because they no longer had anti-virus software but because they lacked the trendy Microsoft patch that plugged security hollow. For workstations, we suggest putting Windows Update to computerized.

As wished, the Computer will obtain and set up wanted Microsoft protection and software program updates. Make sure that your anti-virus is configured the same way. I suggest configuring it for servers to download the updates; however, permit me to choose when to install them. This way, I can do the updates after hours or on the weekend, so if there are troubles, I have lots of time to fix them earlier than human beings start showing up for paintings.

8. Secure Your Wireless Network –

When Wi-Fi first came to the scene, I had to almost count on having a loose Internet connection anywhere I went, way to human beings being too lazy or too intimidated to configure wireless network security. Today, however, they’re less complicated than ever and too comfortable, so ensure yours is earlier than humans start putting out to your car parking zone with a computer and latte to surf your community and ship god-is aware of what to god-is aware of-who.

9. Windows File Permissions –

The Windows operating gadget has permission settings constructed to restrict or provide entry to humans or corporations. For example, if you have a folder with documents, you handiest want you and your accountant to get the right of access, no longer Becky the Admin Assistant. Or, possibly, you’ve got performance opinions to which most effective you need to be privy; you may set that up as nicely. These are smooth to set up, but you might require a touch of schooling first. Give me a name, and I can stroll you through the system. If you try it on your own, exercise on a brand new folder with dummy documents as opposed to, by chance, locking yourself out of the payroll folder.

10. Disaster Recovery –

Some name this Disaster Prevention Planning, as it allows us to avoid having to get better to start with. Still, I like the term Business Continuity Plan, as in, disaster or not, let’s make certain our enterprise keeps running unaffected. No matter what you call it, you’ve got a plan and a few mechanisms in place that will help you live in the enterprise or, as a minimum, get better quickly if there is a flood, an earthquake, or someone forgets. To pay the strength invoice? Trust me; I’ve seen all those things take place. If not, right here are some questions to ask yourself when growing your plan:

William J. McGoldrick
William J. McGoldrick
Passionate beer maven. Social media advocate. Hipster-friendly music scholar. Thinker. Garnered an industry award while merchandising cannibalism in Gainesville, FL. Have some experience importing human hair in Minneapolis, MN. Won several awards for consulting about race cars in the government sector. Crossed the country developing strategies for clip-on ties in Washington, DC. Spent a weekend implementing Virgin Mary figurines in West Palm Beach, FL. Had moderate success promoting Elvis Presley in Ocean City, NJ.

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